Cloth for our Asian Siblings...

It's a busy time, close to christmas. A lot of orders are to do. At the moment Nauli is working on two Asian dolls for two siblings. Hair is not yet ready and we don't want to show them bold...
But here we give you an fortaste on what their cloth will look like:

To be honest... I'm a bit proud... and this time, I really save the pattern!
It's easy, but if I have to make a new one every "Chinese Doll" is ordered, it's a bit exhausting.
I want to save time!


  1. That red fabric is gorgeous and it looks great teamed with the gold. I would love to see the dolls when they are ready!

  2. That red fabric is gorgeous and it looks great teamed with the gold. I would love to see the dolls when they are ready!


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