Fair trade and Etsy Holiday Sale!

Etsy is a huge market for handmade products. Especially in Germany it's still not very wellknown. Maybe English is the barrier, also there is quite a marking number of German sellers there.
Etsy is an international marketplace for handmade goods. That's what I like so much on it, because it's fairtrade from its roots. You buy handmade goods directly from the handycrafter or artist! No merchant in between. That's giving crafter all over the world the possibility to get reasonable prices for ther handmade goods! As I'm very into fair trade, this is the idea I love most on Etsy. Beside the fact, that I consider it at the biggest market for beautiful handmade things...
Although, it's international, Etsy is US based and USA are the biggest market. That must be the reason, why this weekend the biggest sale is going on now. Black Friday Sale every where. Nauli is taking part! 10% off for all products!
Click the picture above and have a look at our Zig-Zag-Photo-Books, Albums and Accordion Folder !
And the one below to get 10% off for our Waldorf inspired dolls and lavender filled animals!


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