Flickr Favourites - Paper Art!

We were passionate Origami fans in our childhood. We started at a very young age and it's like playing roller skates, we just stopped one day, although we keep our big passion for paper. But look at this great artworks! Guess we should start again!

The fabulous pear is made by our friend Devi from Glasfaden at etsy, who is selling adorable flower necklaces there. As you can see, she is a real multigifted artist!

Find more Flickr Favourites our join with your own at Mitsy's Blog from Artmind.


  1. Beautiful!! I'd like to learn how to make all these wonderful things!!

  2. Jip, paper is an amazing source for creative minds! I thought I recognised the pear! Devi is a lovely artist too! :)

  3. You make me blushed, as it's my one and only really representable origami so far ;) Thank you for the feature!

  4. Beautiful, beautiful works of art!


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