My embroidered Flickr Favourites

I took Mitsy's theme of colours. It's so grey today! And combine it with our newly discovered passion. (Doing our entry for the EST Challenge hosted by Kreativlink.) Handstiching is fun!

Have a look at Artmind to make your own Flickr Favourites and make the round to see others!


  1. *sigh* I miss my needle looking at this, very pretty collection!

  2. Lovely selection! Thanks for including 2 of my pieces!

  3. wow, your challenge entry is beautiful.
    I wish I had more patience to do embroidery as your mosaic is fantastic!

  4. Such wonderful embroidery work! Great mosaic :)

  5. wow, your challenge entry is beautiful.
    I wish I had more patience to do embroidery as your mosaic is fantastic!


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