Getting ready for Paris...
The nauli sisters are getting ready for Paris...
Conferences about what should we bring...
Packing the suitcases...

Tomorrow is Take off!!!
Conferences about what should we bring...
Packing the suitcases...

+ Travel Suitcase Pillow by kcmisme on Etsy +
A Nauli sketchbook has to be in! We wanna get more ideas for your Paris related new paper product! Which you can still win... if you share your Paris tips with us!
Tomorrow is Take off!!!
Honestly we are happy, that our aircraft will be slightly bigger...
You are still welcome ot join our giveaway and win a Paris related surprise item, for sure handcrafted by Nauli! Just share your tipps with us!
Viel Spaß in Paris! Hoffentlich ist auch schon ein bisschen Frühling dort.
Bon voyage ! N'oubliez pas de manger un Macaron !