Happy inspirations from Flickr

Was looking through my flick favourites today and stuck with a lot of handmade stuff. This reds are just as happy as the one from yesterday Monday Moodboard....
Find more Flickr Favourites at Mitsy's artmind-etcetera.blogspot


  1. Oh my that little fabric sewing machine is SO cute!! Great mosaic :)

  2. Aahh, I love the folded Elephant! That is SO cool! And so is the sewing machine! *off to mark some more fav's in Flickr*

  3. I like all of them! Handmade treasure!

  4. I love that sewing machine, have you allready seen what she used for the presser foot?

  5. I love red and heart handmade so this is a perfect match!
    The little baby elephant is irresistible :)


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