Little playsuits for Nauli dolls and others...

The long table in the house became a sewing working space again. Since three days we are sewing playsuits for our little Nauli dolls. When we designed this cute cloth our goal was to make a pattern, which can suit all of our small dolls... As Nauli dolls are real one of a kind, not only their face, but also their bodies are of different length and girth.
The playsuit is perfect, we think, as it fits to every small Nauli doll, it can be worn by boys and girls and it doesn't have anything which can harm young children. With a Nauli playsuit, our short haired dolls can become a first doll for your child, as it's without buttons or other small things and it's made from ecofriendly cotton just like our dolls. The playsuit will be available at and from today.
Der lange Tisch im Haus ist seit Tagen wieder Schneiderwerkstatt. Wir nähen Spielanzüglein für unsere kleinen Nauli Puppen. Die Herausforderung beim Design der Spielanzüge war es, einen Schnitt zu entwerfen der allen kleinen Nauli Stoffpuppen paßt. Unsere Puppen sind ja wirkliche Einzelstücke und haben nicht nur unterschiedliche Köpfe, sondern auch unterschiedlich große und lange Körper.
Die Spielanzüge sind perfekt, weil sie aus den kleinen kurzhaarigen Puppen die ideale Erstlingspuppe machen. Sie kommen ganz ohne Knöpfe und andere für kleine Kinder gefährliche kleine Accessoires aus. Außerdem sind sie aus zertifziert formaldehydfreiem Stoff oder aus Bio-Baumwollstoff genäht, wie unsere Puppen. Die Puppenspielanzüge wird es ab heute bei und zu kaufen geben.


  1. Hello there! Thank you so much for paying a visit to my little blog :)
    I have also heard of you both (2 sisters? Oops, I hope I got that right...) via Crafty MissusD.
    I look forward to seeing more of your work, and your blog translations are going to help me A LOT with my Deutsch! :)

  2. Hello there! Thank you so much for paying a visit to my little blog :)
    I have also heard of you both (2 sisters? Oops, I hope I got that right...) via Crafty MissusD.
    I look forward to seeing more of your work, and your blog translations are going to help me A LOT with my Deutsch! :)

  3. According to my information this Nauli kind of dolls are very soft to play. In fact this is also very safe to play for kids. So if you have kids and you want to buy some dolls for them, so you should go with Nauli dolls. The Little play-suits are very cool.


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