At least it's summer or preparing Nauliknits Wintercollection

We had a couple of warm days in March here in South Germany, it seemed to gonna be a "real summer" this year. Suddenly it started to rain again, got quiet cold for weeks. It was just like autumn, windy, rainy, cold... only the leafs did not change their greens to red and yellow... 

So, instead of enjoying the summer we started to prepare Nauliknits Wintercollection for the next season. 

When we started designing and producing Nauliknits Wintercollection January 2010, the labels had been 100% handmade, linocut printed to emphasize the handmade and unique touch of Nauli products.

Two weeks ago we got new small woven Nauli- labels and combined them with the handprinted ones.

And nauli is prepared for the next winter. 

Charlys hats available at etsy !


  1. So now you're prepared for the winter you can enjoy these summer days :D

  2. oh gosh!! It's so pretty!! I love the linocut idea!


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