Summerberries... Flickr Favourites and fresh summer ice cream

We feel so happy to have summer now, we even feel some heat in parts of the house and our small garden invites for chilling and enjoying the sun. It will need some month untill the berries will become dark red, sweet and tasty... (we've strawberries, blackberries, currants and raspberries) like the yummy ones we found on flickr...

Lucky us, that we can buy some frozen berries in the supermarket near by... Because berries and some soymilk and honey can make the best homemade summer ice cream... in some seconds! And you really know what you eat!

Nauli's fast homemade Berry Icecream

What you need for 2 portions:
A bowl full of mix of berries or your favourite berries. They have to be frozen. So if you pick them by yourself put them into the freezer for a day. If you buy, just take the frozen berries... A cup of soymilk and some honey or sugar... Put berries, soymilk and honey just as you like it into a blender and mix it together. The consistence will look like a smoothie. Devide this red and tasty berry mix into two bowls and put them into the freezer for 2 hours... Enjoy!

  • If you don't have time to put it into the freezer again, use soy yoghurt instead of soymilk.
  • A very ripe banana is perfect for for sweetening this tasty ice cream.
  • If you are lucky and can eat anything - not like one of us - use cream or yoghurt instead of soymilk or soyyoghurt.
Find more Flickr favourites at artmind-etcetera!


    1. Hmm, I love smoothies and I just tried putting it in the freezer too but I'm afraid I left it there too long. Now it needs to defrost! :)

    2. yum!! That looks so good!!!
      I wish I have a blender, and a bigger fridge...

      there is this smoothie bar called Boost Juice in Melbourne where I had a smoothie every hot summer day, and I miss having one of their thick icy smoothie now!!

    3. What a great idea for ice cream, thank you! I was just wondering what I should do with all the strawberries I picked last night!

    4. Looks so tasty! I just love homemade ice cream ;)

    5. Yummy - those berries do look delicious and your recipe sounds so fresh. It's made me even more desperate for some strawberry ice-cream now! Elle xox PS My mosaic is pretty similar this week :o)

    6. I adore these summer fruits!! lovely and yummi finds!!

    7. I think I might just do that. Im harvesting strawberries, raspberries and currants like crazy. About 500g per day...per fruit!! And there is so much we can eat. Some will be stored for jam, the rest we eat...

    8. Smoothies are the best for such sunny days =) Today it was extremely hot out here - I just got back to the AC and I wish I could just saty in =D

    9. Wow Nauli your first collage is so fresh and the second...yummy!!!!
      must write down your recipes ;D

    10. My blender died about a month ago. I may just have to go out and replace it.....

    11. Ooohh... I'm so jealous! I love those red fruits, they look fresh and tasty!
      And that yummy ice-cream... I want some ;)

    12. Now I can't wait for summer to come with all those beautiful red berries (and yummy smoothies too!) Funny, I generally don't like fruit, except the red ones - I'll have them any day!

    13. Yum! I'll have to try some icecream, as soon as I get more berries. =)

    14. Now I can't wait for summer to come with all those beautiful red berries (and yummy smoothies too!) Funny, I generally don't like fruit, except the red ones - I'll have them any day!

    15. Ooohh... I'm so jealous! I love those red fruits, they look fresh and tasty!
      And that yummy ice-cream... I want some ;)

    16. Yummy - those berries do look delicious and your recipe sounds so fresh. It's made me even more desperate for some strawberry ice-cream now! Elle xox PS My mosaic is pretty similar this week :o)


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