A Day at the Zoo or the last sunny summerday? - Nauli´s Monday Mood Board

We wanted to visit the zoo of Munich.. we have not been there since ages.
We decided to go last thursday, because the weather forecast said it was the last sunny day befor it will start to rain again. 
We were not the only ones who wanted to enjoy the last sunny summerday in the zoo, there were a long long queue when we arrived, but we were lucky, they opend two other ticket offices when so we did not have to wait tooooo long to get in. 
We had blue sky.

Well we did not see striped pigs but deers, tigers, zebras and many other exotic animals...

Some of them tried to hide ... succsessfull
But the pinguines could not.. and we guess they enjoyed the coldness in their cage on this hot late summerday. 

To find more Monday Moodboards head over to fleurfatale.


  1. How beautiful photos Eva ;)

    Love all !

    Have a wonderful Monday dear :))
    Cheers from rainy Paris :)

    wishing you a great Week!!!

  3. Lovely. Winter is coming now... ;)

  4. Awwwww!!!! Luckily you went last week, this week is not looking good. Today's weather is... :-(((

    Thanks for including my striped pig!

  5. Really cool!!

    Very cute moodboard :)


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