Fleamarkets or our Trip to Netherlands - Flickr Favourites

Last week we have been in the Netherlands for a weekend. It was a quiet short trip for 2 days. But we were lucky, it was a sunny weekend and it was the weekend of Fleamarkets in Delft and Den Haag, the cities we visited. We love fleamarkets since we are little girls. Compained our parents selling at fleamarkets and started to open a booth in front of the house when we were little kids. We loved selling and buying and started to collect unique and vintage stuff. 
We collected old tins, old leather suitcases, ceramic and so on. May be the colorful patterns of the Inselbüchlein covers made us loving this kind of classic pattern we are using for our nauli-paper products now. 

 1. Fleamarket at Arkonaplatz, 2. Fleamarket at Heden, 3. Fleamarket Date, 4. Book Market Humboldt University

Even on the way to the Escher Museum in Den Haag, we jumped out of the Tram to walk around a small Fleamarket. But this time we did not shop at all, even there were many beautiful things wanted to be bought. But we feel like we have to sell some of our collections first to make space for new old things.

For more Flickr Favourites head over to Artminds blog.


  1. I love flea markets. And I am a bit sad that Bucharest doesn't have real flea markets. People just go out and sell all kinds of counterfeit vintage things, with no stories at all...
    Lovely mosaic!

  2. Since in Europe, I have started to like flea markets too!

  3. Oh I want to be there! Every city's flea market has such different flavors. Thanks for sharing these!

  4. The books look fantastic, I love the patterns! I think I'd be tempted to buy more stuff too!

  5. love flea markets!
    I still remember the big one in Paris...and i love the one in Dublin!

  6. I absolutely love flea markets!
    I do them myself and love to visit them,
    wish I was there!!!

  7. Oh - doesn't this look like a wonderful way to spend the day!! :)

  8. @Alex This books are by Insel Bücherrei a German publisher with a long tradition. We love their patterns so much! And some of patterns remind us on it.

  9. Ahh bliss, fleamarkets are the best! Sounds like there was lots of awesome stuff! I love the bookcovers patterns! :)

  10. Oh I want to be there! Every city's flea market has such different flavors. Thanks for sharing these!

  11. I love flea markets. And I am a bit sad that Bucharest doesn't have real flea markets. People just go out and sell all kinds of counterfeit vintage things, with no stories at all...
    Lovely mosaic!


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