No bad hair day or Curly Sue - Nauli's Flickr Favourites

Well, our hair is straight, so straight like nothing else, and just like every girl in this world we had the dream of curly hair in our life. We still remember, when we tried to help each other with paper papilottes ...  but our hair never hold the curlies for more than 3 hours...
Nun, unsere Haare sind glatt und so gerade wie ein Bleistift, aber wie alle Mädchen hatten wir Zeiten, zu denen wir von Locken träumten... Wir erinnern uns noch an den Spaß als wir mit Zeitungspapier-Papilotten unser Glück versuchten ... aber bei unseren Haare haben die Locken nie länger als 3 Stunden gehalten...

To find more Flickr Favourites head over to Mitsy's Blog.
Für weitere Flickr Favourites besuche Artmind's Blog.

When we shot the newest collection of Nauli's Accordion Photo Albums we're inspired by curlies...
Als wir gestern die neueste Kollection von Nauli's Leporellos fotografierten, ließen wir uns von Locken inspirieren...

To find more creative curlies have a look at Etsy here


  1. lovely mosaic and great pictures of your products, they look fantastic :)

  2. yes, I remember the papilottes! beautiful Photo albums.

  3. Lovely new collection and great form of inspiration! The mosaic is superb! :)

  4. I have curly hair and I dream some days of straight hair... it's the same for everyone I imagine.

    I love the inclusion of the curled petals - beautiful!

  5. I have curly hair and I dream some days of straight hair... it's the same for everyone I imagine.

    I love the inclusion of the curled petals - beautiful!


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