Realism or what is art? - Naulis Flickr Favourites

Yesterday we went to an exhibition in Hypo Kunsthalle, Munich. Theme is "Realismus - Das Abenteuer der Wirklichkeit" - "Realism - the Adventure of Reality". 

What's art? Is it our eye which turns something into art? Does art have to be manmade? Is it our hands work? Can it be the copy of nature? 
What do you think?

To find more Flickr Favourites head over to Artmind.


  1. Interesting questions!
    Yes, it´s the artists eye that turns something into art. I think It does not need to be man-made, but turned by an artist´s eye into art.
    Some Artwork speaks to you without words, and some Artwork needs very much explanation ..... copy the nature is impossible, I think, it is always a kind of translation!

  2. The age old questions... I never know. there are many things that are considered art nowadays that I wouldn't necessarily like to call art. But then again many other people would...and I suspect viceversa! I think Nature is the master and we, consciously or not, try to copy or reproduce what nature has design. Like it is mentioned above, it's the individual translations of what we see what we strive to produce.

    Now... what is art... what isn't... remains the question.

  3. I think art could be anything that touches somebody's soul at a certain moment in time. Only some of all this really stands the test of time, and I am sure this is only natural, to give future generations the chance to make their own art.
    But this question, as so many others, is pretty much like art itself - open for personal interpretations.

  4. great questions!
    I think that it's our eye that turns something into art, but also our point of view and our lifestyle! probably it's not a real copy of the nature but because we will put also our point of view in it! sorry my english is bad!!:=)

  5. Wow, there is so much to be said about art but it's different for everyone I suppose. There is no pure definition - it depends through what eyes you look at something...
    Love the 4th picture a lot! :)


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