Back from Prague - Naulis Friday Favourite, the Zoo

A part of the nauli team has been in Prague - Czech Rebpublic -  for a couple of days... and just is back in the nauli - studio. 
We were lucky we choosed the last week to visit Prague. In the beginning of the autumn, so that we still had some sunny blueskied days.
It was a sunny sunday, the warmest day during our trip we choosed to visit the zoo in Prague. After a bad flood in 2002 the zoo was rebuild with a new concept. 
Starting from the coperate design wich is made from linocut by the artist Michal Cihlar. 

Beside this linocut design - we are fans of lino- and woodcut you might know - they have an Indonesian Pavillion in there... The Indonéská Dzungle. 

It´s almost like walking through the Indonesian nature, Komodos, Orang Utans and many other animals from South-East-Asia are living there. 

Sometimes you might have no luck and don´t find the animals because they are hiding in their huge cages... 
Or you don´t see them by the first sight, like the mountain goats. 
Do you find them?

Come to the zoo on etsy:


  1. The mountain goats are down in the right hand corner. You're talking to a Canadian here. :)

  2. Super pics, I didn't visited that Zoo when I was at Prague, thanks for sharing with us! By the way I am really jealous of you Nauli team :) I have really missed magical Prague, Hope I will re-visit this magical city next year..:)

  3. such a nice post, thanks for sharing. And now that Nicole said where the goats are, I dont have to look anymore for them ;-)

  4. karena banyak binatang bersembunyi..maka kita harus kesana lagi, ok??


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