Happy Eid and Post from Indonesia - The secret paper project is going on!

We got mail from Indonesia, exactly from Djakarta. Ika Vantiani, our secret paper project partner sent us this lovely postcard of her own design. We love love love it! It seems to be a cut photo of an old letter. The writing reminds us on the letters we got from our Indonesian grandparents, when they were still alive. Maybe all Indonesians of this generation had this beautiful handwriting?
Ika, we're looking forward to see what you do with our paper!

To find more of Ikas work visit Vantiani on Etsy.

and beside that... Happy Eid, Happy Bayram, Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri for all of our Muslime friends! Mohon maaf lahir bathin- minal aidin wal faizin.

Wir haben Post aus Indonesien bekommen. Genauer gesagt aus Djakarta. Ika Vantiani, unsere secret paper project Partnerin hat uns diese tolle selbst designte Postkarte geschickt. Wir lieben sie total! Sie sieht aus wie ein Foto von einem Teil eines alten Briefes. Die Schrift erinnert uns an die Briefe unserer indonesischen Großeltern. Ob wohl alle Indonesier dieser Generation so eine schöne Handschrift hatten?
Ika, wir sind gespannt was Du aus unserem Papier machst!

Besuche mehr von Ikas Arbeiten bei Vantiani auf Etsy.


  1. aw that postcard is gorgeous! I love how it looks like it's been cut from an old letter. My mum always told me how people in those generation (re: our gransparents) always had beautiful handwriting. It was a must because they didn't have typewriters!

  2. Ohhh! Looks fantastic! And yes, I second that about the beautiful handwriting. Maybe it was because of the "drill" they had in school, they better wrote nice or the teacher gave them a clap on their hands!

  3. Interesting! I must see if my mom has held onto any of my grandmother's letters and check out her handwriting :)

  4. I just checked out Vantiani on Etsy! I love the vintage feel of all the items!!!!

  5. aw that postcard is gorgeous! I love how it looks like it's been cut from an old letter. My mum always told me how people in those generation (re: our gransparents) always had beautiful handwriting. It was a must because they didn't have typewriters!


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