The smell of Cotton Candy and the sound of Carousels Nauli´s Flicker Favourites

The world largest fair for two weeks in munich, 
means the smell of cotton candy, of sugared roasted almonds, and the smell of gingerbread over the Theresienwiese..
but it also means the smell of beer and *mhm* all over the city. 

but it also means colourful balloons, the music of carousels and colorful lights by night.

To find more flickr favourites have a look at artminds blog.

Come to the fair on Etsy:


  1. There is one in my city right now. I used to love fairs but I seem to have outgrown them... Beautiful mosaic, Nauli! :)

  2. Looks like a wonderful place to be right now!

  3. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooo, this is soooo fun! Makes me so happy on this gloomy day here. Lovely lovely!

  4. I love fairgrounds - the excitement in the air is always amazing!

  5. I read sugared roasted almonds and then the rest I don't know ahahaha Great pics!

  6. great mosaic! love the colors and the shots you chose! they are so bright and happy :=)

  7. Cotton candy and gingerbread, lovely. Love the shot with the bikes.

  8. there is NOTHING that makes me more giddy than the sights, sounds and smells of a fair! LOVE this mosaic. it has my heart:)

  9. mmmmm... I love cotton candy! and sugared roasted almonds!
    That sounds fun, enjoy it ;)

  10. funny funny your picks;)

  11. I'd love to visit Munich some year during the festival. It must be wild and great!!!

  12. there is NOTHING that makes me more giddy than the sights, sounds and smells of a fair! LOVE this mosaic. it has my heart:)

  13. Looks like a wonderful place to be right now!


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