Tropical Fruits - Nauli's Flickr Favourites

As you can see from our blogpost yesterday night, we had the second visit from Thailand in one week. And the whole family is happy eating Rambutan and Dukuh for breakfast, lunch and dinner...
Many tropical fruits look so beautiful! We don't know, if this feeling comes, because we're in Germany, but only tropical fruits can taste so sexy... (Maybe except cherries, but I'm allergic to them.) We collect some for our Flickr Favourites.

To find more flickr favourites have a look at artminds blog.

Come to the rain forest on Etsy:


  1. tropical fruits do look extremely yummy and exotic... I think the fact that they are so colorful is what attracts me most!

  2. Yikes, Rambutan - the smell! ;)
    Love the taste though and they look divine. The textures of some of those exotic fruits are amazing!

  3. DURIANS!!!!!!! They are the best tropical fruits ever!


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