Friday Favourite: Personal Library Kit

I was pinning last night, and guess what I found on Trisha and Janets Pinboard?
A personal library kit!
Designed by and available at Knock Knock.

Well we don't borrow that many books to our friends at the moment...  But we spent some years in primary school playing library. As our hobby was crafting and reading, crafting our own library kit was not a problem. It's a pitty, that we throw it away some years later.
How do your kids play library today? Maybe they just type into a computer and are dreaming of a handscanner?

Beim pinnen habe ich gestern Abend dieses großartige "Personal Library Kit entdeckt. Wir mussten da seinerzeit unser eigenes basteln. Aber nachdem außer Lesen und Bücherrei spielen auch basteln unsere Leidenschaft war, war das kein Problem.
Wie spielen Deine Kinder heutzutage Bücherrei? Tippen sie vielleicht in einen Computer und träumen von einem Handscanner für die Strichcodes?


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