The suprise book | Das Überraschungs- Buch

The Movable Book of Letterforms, designed and constructed by Kevin Steele

Look what we found! We really have to share... A book full of surprises... not only for typographyfans like one of us... It's making us believe, that it will never come to an end!

Schau, was wir gefunden haben! Ein Buch voller Überraschungen - nicht nur für Typographie Fans, wie eine von uns... Wir haben echt gedacht, dass das nie endet!


  1. a very great find. Have to pass this to my mother as she is a Calligraphist that loves letters and paper !
    Thanks very much for sharing

  2. I always liked such books (just with pictures) in childhood

  3. @DemyBlackDesign: Us, too! and we have always been dreaming of making one by ourselves, but honestly, seeing this one and knowing we will never make something in this quality is discouraging...

  4. @DemyBlackDesign: Us, too! and we have always been dreaming of making one by ourselves, but honestly, seeing this one and knowing we will never make something in this quality is discouraging...


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