Our Blog Graph

From Kraplap's Blog we've learned about an applet that turns the structure of your website into a graph.  We just tried. This blog looks like this:
Von Kraplaps Blog haben wir von einer App erfahren, die die Struktur von Webseiten in visuelle Grafiken umwandelt. Wir mussten es einfach probieren. Und so, sieht er aus, unser Blog:

Well, we've no idea what is this for, but it looks beautiful and it's fun!
Nun ja, wir wissen gar nicht so richtig wofür das ganze, aber Spaß macht es!

The creator Marcel Salathe says, the meaning of the colors is as follows:
blue: for links (the A tag)
red: for tables (TABLE, TR and TD tags)
green: for the DIV tag
violet: for images (the IMG tag)
yellow: for forms (FORM, INPUT, TEXTAREA, SELECT and OPTION tags)
orange: for linebreaks and blockquotes (BR, P, and BLOCKQUOTE tags)
black: the HTML tag, the root node
gray: all other tags
Whatever this means...


  1. It is the structure of your blog, how it is formed, according to what i understand from the color system, shows the amount and connections derivated from the different tags used in the code of your blog. Interesting is that reads only the generated HTML. I thought first it was to show the connections through links (or people linking) to your blog.

    it is interesting anyway :)

  2. eheheh I made that too :DDD
    It's fun!

  3. oh my! I remember I have done it couple of years ago, that was such a fun, need to do it again for my new blog, definitely :)

  4. @Van, yes that's what we thought at the beginning, too that it's visualizing links to and from the blog.

  5. @Van, yes that's what we thought at the beginning, too that it's visualizing links to and from the blog.


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