Waiting for parcel .... Nauli's Flickr Favourites

We are excited waiting for parcels, exactly six! All of them heavy, and precious.... and coming from Devon, UK....
Gespannt warten wir auf Pakete, und zwar genau sechs! Alle sehr schwer und wertvoll... und aus Devon, England....

We hope, we can tell you more soon!
 Wir hoffen, wir können Euch bald mehr erzählen!

For more Flickr Favourites, go to Artmind, lovely Mitsy is hosting this game.


  1. Oh, I'm excited with you! Isn't that the best bit...the waiting?

  2. Love the sound of post falling into the mailbox !

  3. That sounds indeed exciting for the waits, am curious what you have in your post box. :D

  4. Oh, I also find this waiting so exciting! I love to receive mail and if it's something that I ordered, I get anxious and receiving it it's even more special.
    I hope you receive the parcels soon ;)

  5. those kind of mail is nice !! enjoy them ;-)

  6. You ladies make me very very curious! Is it the stuff you ordered on Paperworld? Can't wait to see it!! :)

  7. those kind of mail is nice !! enjoy them ;-)


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