Monday Mood - Japan in mind

This world is changing since some weeks. People fight for it giving their lifes and then nature teachs us, that the biggest change is never in our hands. We hope, us humans, can learn from this. This time.

1. Blue Bag by Baahar 2. Tray by Birribe
3. Mail Organizer by Tuuni 4. Necklace by Vadjutka

Great designers from the Europeanstreetteam on Etsy are supporting victims in Japan with a special Etsy Shop Europe for Charity. The whole price of the items will go to go to Japan via Architecture for Humanity. Shop and support!

To find other Moodboards this Monday, visit Fleurfatale's Blog.


  1. Lots of Japanese inspired Mood Boards today! I second your sentiment whole-heartedly...
    Love the mail organizer, the color is unbelievable!

  2. Wonderful choices!
    Totally agree with your thoughts!

  3. let's all cross fingers for those in Japan ! Great board !

  4. Lots of Japanese inspired Mood Boards today! I second your sentiment whole-heartedly...
    Love the mail organizer, the color is unbelievable!


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