Monday Moodboard - Buy and donate to Japan!

Japan kommt immer noch nicht zur Ruhe. Die Zahlen werden größer und das Ausmaß der Naturkatastrophe und der menschengemachten dazu ist sicher noch nicht abschätzbar. Japan braucht unsere Hilfe.
Das Europeanstreetteam von Etsy hat einen Charity Shop, bei dem 100% des Erlöses an Architecture for Humanity für Projekte in Japan gehen. Andere Verkäufer Spenden einen Teil ihres Erlöses. Also, kaufen und gutes tun!

Japan relief - Buy and donate

1. Ceramic Earrings donated by 2. Daisy Necklace donated by
3. Love pillow cover- donated by 4. Shoulder Tote by

Japan still can't lay back.  Numbers are growing and noone seems to be able to predict the dimensions of the natural desaster and the manmade connected to it. Japan needs our help.
The Europeanstreetteam on Etsy has a Charity Shop, donating 100% to Architecture for Humanity for Japan. Other sellers on Etsy donate a part of their sales. Please buy and donate!


  1. It's really nice to post about the team's charity shop. It's incredible how much people are willing to help those who are in deep despair.


  2. just lovley treasures...yes, everybody can do something good...;)...thanks for sharing and a lovley week...and would be great to be a part of your craftforward...cheers and hugs...i...


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