Stockholm memories - Erinnerung an Stockholm

Last late autumn one of us was in Stockholm. It was a busy time for Nauli, and it was only a short non-Nauli related working trip  Actually great that I was called to Stockholm for this! It promised 4 days of hard work and I had booked my flights to leave me some time and let me get an impression of the city.
I just realized, that I didn't blog about my trip! So, you'll get informed, soon!
I remember I arrived early, but it took me 3 hours to find my hotel somewhere far away from everything. Then I went to the old town... Cloudy Stockholm... I guess I just arrived in Gamla Stan when it started to rain like crazy...

Stockholm memories

It was cold and the water was standing in the small streets of Stockholms cute old town. I think, I didn't take any usable photo myself, so I'm happy to share this great shots of Flickr Photographers, who must have experienced a similar Stockholm.

Not so rainy is our Etsy Treasury for shopping local in Sweden:

Wanna see more Flickr Favourites? Head over to Artmind!


  1. Beautiful mosaic of a beautiful town in the rain...I love the atmosphere! My memory of Stockholm is a very sunny one...

  2. It reminds me of London in February, cold, wet and bleak... but probably not as noisy.

  3. I hope to visit stockholm once some advice is welcome !

  4. Oh, this is great! My mosaic for today is actually about travelling :D I'd love to travel more and Stockholm would definitely be on my list, hopefully in a brighter day ;)

  5. I would love to visit sweden! looking forward to your post about!

  6. Beautiful rainy mosaics of my home town! :)

  7. Great mosaic... i never been to Stockholm and I'd love to ... I hope to save some money for the future ;))))
    (Awesome treasury) :)

  8. Rainy and cold doesn't seem much fun to me after this long winter, but the city does look nice, nevertheless.

  9. Beautiful mosaic! Can't wait to read about your adventures! :)

  10. we were in Stockholm too in december!! eveyrthing coverd with snow!! so marvelous. We loved it and the kids too. We will definately go back there!!

  11. I just recently visited and I think Stockholm is a beautiful city - it was March but still snow and very cold..bbrbbrrr : )

    Following from Etsy.

  12. I hope to visit stockholm once some advice is welcome !


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