Work in Progress: New Photo Albums shooted - Creative Space: Neue Fotoalben fotografiert

Some days ago a great great photographer-team asked via Twitter who's making our product photos. Well, short answer: We do it ourselve! At the beginning it was a pain. We had the feeling we could never earn any money with selling our products online, because we need so much time for photographing and making the picture nice... Color adjusting was a terrible job...

Vor ein paar Tagen hat uns ein toller Fotograf auf Twitter gefragt wer unsere Produktfotos mache. Unsere Antwort: wir! Am Anfang war es schrecklich. Wir hatten das Gefühl, wir könnten nie im Leben an unseren Produkten etwas verdienen, wenn wir online verkaufen, weil wir so lange brauchten um zu fotografieren und die Fotos dann auch so auszusehen lassen, wie unsere Produkte!

But then, we bought a light box and everyhting became so easy and we are mostly happy with our product photos now.
Aber dann, haben wir eine Lichtbox gekauft und alles wurde so einfach und meistens sind wir jetzt mit unseren Fotos zufrieden.

Today was photo shooting day at Nauli's. A bunch of new albums is waiting to be listed in the shops.
Heute war Fotografier-Tag im Hause Nauli. Ein Stapel neuer Fotoalben wartet darauf in den Shops eingestellt zu werden.

Wanna see more creative spaces or works in progress? Come over to the Germany Streetteam Blog!
Um zu sehen, woran andere Kreative in Deutschland gerade arbeiten, schau Dir den Blog des deutschen Etsy Streetteams an!
Find more creative spaces at Kootoyoo.


  1. The albums are beautiful - gorgeous patterns!
    And your photography is very professional.

  2. Gorgeous! I love these beautiful albums!

  3. In fact, I just popped over to Etsy and bought myself a notebook. just gorgeous!! And also, saw in your profile that you are from Wolfratshausen. Many years ago I went to school in Starnberg and lived over near Grunwald!!!

  4. I love what you make, your blog and your story.
    How sweet to call your company after your grandmother!

  5. I love what you make, your blog and your story.
    How sweet to call your company after your grandmother!

  6. In fact, I just popped over to Etsy and bought myself a notebook. just gorgeous!! And also, saw in your profile that you are from Wolfratshausen. Many years ago I went to school in Starnberg and lived over near Grunwald!!!


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