A simple cd sleeve - eine einfache CD Hülle - Nauli's Work in Progress: Decisions

Again and again, we get requests for our cd cases by photographers. They love the classic Nauli cd folio with and without satin ribbon, for one, two, three and even six discs for their weddings and other bigger projects, but it is just too expensive for a short children studio shooting. That's why it was number one on our To-Do-List for this year to create a simple cd sleeve, which is not pricey, but still beautiful.

Immer wieder bekommen wir Anfragen von Fotografen für unsere CD Hüllen. Sie sind begeistert von unseren klassischen Nauli CD Hüllen mit und ohne Satinband, für eine, zwei, drei und sogar sechs DVDs für Hochzeiten und andere größere Aufträge. Aber, für ein kurzes und preiswertes Kinder- Foto - Shooting sind sie einfach zu teuer. Deshalb stand ganz oben auf unserer To-Do-Liste für dieses Jahr eine einfache CD Hülle zu entwerfen, die preiswert, aber dennoch wunderschön ist.

Endlich 4 Modelle gemacht. Heute sind sie fertig und nun müssen wir uns entscheiden. Welches Modell sollen wir unseren Kunden anbieten? Wie hoch sind Materialkosten und wieviel Arbeit steckt in der Produktion?

At the end we made for different models. Today they are ready and we need to decide now. Which one should we offer to our customers? How much are material costs and how much work do we do to make it?

Number one to three are made with for Nauli typical Italian patterned paper. Number four is made from chromocarton decorated with Washi Masking Tape

Die Entwürfe eins bis drei sind mit dem Nauli-typischen italienischen Buntpapier gemacht. Der Entwurf Nummer vier ist einfacher Fotokarton mit Washi Masking Tape verziert.

Which CD sleeve would be your choice?
Welche CD Hülle wäre Deine Wahl?

Interested in ordering this cd folios? Come and ask for your personal offer here!

To find more "work in progress" or "creative spaces" come over to the Etsy Germany Street Team Blog!
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  1. Nummer 1, definitiv!
    Liebe Grüße

  2. I love the last one! Pretty simple and elegant!

  3. Nummer 1! I really like your own style :)

  4. I like the first one. It seems like you can simply create it with just one pocket, or three pockets. Or you could have some space for heartfelt notes.

    The first one just seems more flexible.

    But if somebody wants really cheap solutions, the second one seems to be it.

  5. if there is a vote to give :) ! then mine would go to number one !

  6. Nr one is my favorite but I also like the last one.
    All of them look great and fancy!

  7. I would love to order lots of either number one or number 2, when can we order?!

  8. Nr one is my favorite but I also like the last one.
    All of them look great and fancy!

  9. I would love to order lots of either number one or number 2, when can we order?!


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