Starting from Material - Our fashionable Flickr Favourites

Today is Tuesday and Mitsy is inviting us to compose a fashionable mosaic. We went through our flickr favourites, and this is, what we collected in a year or so...

 and Jeans, of course.

We would say it really shows a lot of our fashion style. We love colors and patterns, but also classic and clean shapes - something you always find in our designs. We love extraordinary shoes. - And: we always start from the material (it's something we got from our mom. We always touch fabric and if it's nice, sometimes we even fall in love with a color, we never saw before... Our should be natural, no polyamids etc. in case of fabric, no plastic in case of shoes... If it's silk, cashmere, non coated paper... yeah!

Heute hat Mitsy dazu eingeladen ein modisches Mosaik zusammen zu stellen. Wir sind durch unsere Flickr Favourites gegangen und hier siehst Du, was wir gefunden haben.
Ja, doch, wir meinen die kleine Sammlung ist aussagekräftig für unseren Style. Wir lieben Farben und Mister, aber auch klassische Formen - was Du auch in unserem Design wieder findest. Wir lieben außergewöhnliche Schuhe. - Und: wir beginnen immer beim Material (das haben wir eindeutig von unserer Mitter. ) Wir fassen alle Stoffe an und wenn sich ein Stoff gut anfühlt, dann kann es sogar vorkommen, dass wir plötzlich eine Farbe ganz großartig finden, die uns vorher ne aufgefallen ist. Das Material sollte natürlich sein, kein Polyamid usw. wenn es um Stoff geht, kein Plastik bei Schuhen... Wenn es Seide, Kaschmir, unbeschichtetes Papier ist... Dann ist das schon mal eine gute Voraussetzung!

More fashionable flickr favourites at


  1. Great collage!
    I love colors and patterns too :D

  2. I love your and blue is a color combination I only recently learned to like. For clothes I only wear natural fabrics, but non-natural shoes I don't mind... I quess I love animals more.

  3. how fresh ! love your fashion :)))

  4. The plastic leather discussion about shoes is always an interesting one. Johanna who is a strict vegetarian since she was a child, also hates plastic since she was a child. She even feel, she couldn't touch it when she was young!

  5. Pretty, especially the shoes. I love cashmere, merino and silk.

  6. Interesting colours and photographs!

  7. Love the dress in your mosaic! I'm all for natural fabrics too but if I see a dress with e beautiful print and it's got polyamide in it, I just can't resist! ;)
    I'm allergic to leather unless it's vegetable tanned so shoe issues are really difficult for me. :)


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