Schulanfang... - Back to school...

Mit den großen Sommerferien ist auch das neue Schuljahr nicht mehr weit. Nauli hat sich von ein paar ausdrucksvollen Fotos auf Flickr inspirieren lassen...

1. Off to School, 2. Armer Ritter, 3. Back to school, 4. Back to school

With the long summer break, the new school year is not far anymore. Nauli has been inspired by some great photos on Flickr...

This cute blackboards will be part of our doll schools set.
Diese süßen Tafeln werden Teil unseres Puppen- Schul-Sets.

Find more Flickr Favourites at Artmind's Blog!


  1. Great finds!
    Honestly, I cannot wait for the summer vacation to begin, not even thinking of what will happen after it :)))

  2. OMG, that's really early! School hasn't even finished yet here! :) Looking forward to meet you in Berlin in September!!!! :)


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