Soooo busy... bringing order into orders...

We at Nauli are very busy at the moment. No wonder, we are in between the high season for weddings.
It's a lovely job to create and make something which will remind someone on his big day. But how to keep everything organized before? Some of our big accordion files are ordered by brides to keep their documents and files in order when they are organizing their wedding.

But not long time ago someone asked for a really huge accordion folder, not for a brides document, but for a large collection of recipes. As you know, we love to make custom orders... And this one is it, Nauli's XXlarge Accordion folder: 20 pockets,

We had fun to make it, and made one more for all our to-put-into-the-right-folder-soon stuff. And you can order Nauli's XXL accordion folder now. Ask for our patterns and choose what you want. We'll need a bit to make it for you, but you might be as happy as our dear customer from New York who got the first one.


  1. Love your Leporellos!!!. Bin gerade total in das neue rot-petrol farbene verliebt. Gibt es das auch in größer (A5 oder A4)?
    Lieben Gruß Tesca

    P.S. bin übrigens mit dem Blog umgezogen. Ihr findet mich jetzt unter Schaut' doch mal vorbei, bin gespannt wie es euch gefällt und würde mich freuen, euch auch im neuen Zuhause als Leser zu begrüßen...

  2. Liebe Tesca,
    Leporellos machen wir gerne auch in DinA 5 :)
    Bei DinA4 wird es allerdings schwierig, weil die Stabilität dann nicht mehr gegeben ist.


  3. Wow !! You have a very beautiful blog.

  4. Wow !! You have a very beautiful blog.


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