Color Alarm! Farb Alarm!
Wer färbte Münchens Brunnen bunt? Das fragt sich gerade die Stadt München. Unbekannte hatten in der Nacht zum Sonntag laut TZ-online Farbe in das Wasser von sieben städtischen Brunnen gemischt und so für ein farbiges Wasserspiel gesorgt.
Who colored the fountains in Munich? The city authorities of Munich are just busy to answer this question. According to TZ-online unknown have mixed paint at night to Sunday into the water of seven fountains, thus providing a colorful watershow.
Schlagzeile der TZ / Photo with Instagram |
Who colored the fountains in Munich? The city authorities of Munich are just busy to answer this question. According to TZ-online unknown have mixed paint at night to Sunday into the water of seven fountains, thus providing a colorful watershow.
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