Winter ade! // Winter good bye! - Monday Moodboard

1. Winter Wrap by Manonknits 2. Winter Art - Fine Art Photography by JKPhotography
3. Snow Heart Photo in Paris by magalerie 4. Clutch by AdgLaMode

Winter here hasn't made a cut yet hear. We fell from bright blue sky into a grey mix of rain and snow again without sun.  - Dear winter, believe us, you can leave now. We'll keep your beauty in our memories.
All found via the Etsy Europeanstreetteam. More Monday Moodboards at Star of the East.

Der Winter hier hat sich noch nicht richtig entschieden uns zu verlassen. Wir sind von strahlend blauem Himmel wieder in einen grauen Mix aus Regen und Schnee gefallen. - Lieber Winter, Du kannst uns wirklich jetzt verlassen. Wir werden Deine Schönheit in Erinnerung behalten!
Alle gefunden über das Etsy Europeanstreetteam. Mehr Monday Moodboards bei Star of the East.


  1. Wonderful moodboard !

  2. Fishes Make Wishes .Montag, Februar 27, 2012

    I feel the same, I've really had enough of grey skies, cold and rain, let the spring come soon please!
    beautiful picks :-)
    wishing you a lovely week

  3. bye bye winterrrrrrrr too cold !!

    Love this :)

  4. Thank you for your visit on my blog :)

  5. perfect! (even if with snow)

  6. Great finds to say goodbye to winter with!

  7. Thank you for your visit. Indeed, let's Spring come soon please!

  8. Beautiful moodboard! Have a nice week!

  9. beautiful mood board, and now waiting for a gorgeous spring !

  10. Beautiful Winter mood!

    Have a great week! - with a bit of sunshine.

  11. I agree, winter good bye, spring welcome. But I guess we will have to wait a bit still.

  12. Goodbye winter! Just beautiful!

  13. Thank you for featuring my photo :)
    Good Bye Winter!


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