Friday Favorite: Vegetables & Fruit by Sarah Illenberger

Sarah Illenberger's fruits and vegetables catched our eyes this week. //
Sarah Illenbergers Obst und Gemüse schrien diese Woche förmlich danach unser Freitagsfavorit zu werden.

Meloncholie by Sarah Illenberger

Artyschoke by Sarah Illenberger

Rubine by Sarah Illenberger


  1. How cool is this? I love this kind of art. We picked up a picture at a Craft show where someone put the upper body of a black cat on the ocean and there are people fishing off the pier. The black cat is way bigger than the people. It looks like this giant cat is watching them. This is my new favorite art! Thanks for sharing.

  2. These are such fun and creative! I especially like the Artsychoke!


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