
Es werden Posts vom Juni, 2011 angezeigt.

Blumenmeer in unserer Werkstatt - A sea of flowers in our working space

Paper Globe or Over the ocean - Papierglobus und einmal über den Ozean

Monday - Summer on Etsy

Washi Tape Fun bei den Etsy Labs in München

Diversitäten - Kunst in München

Nauli CD covers made to order...

Two times... - Zweimal...

Childhood happiness... - Kinderfreuden...

Fine handmade at Specks & Keepings - Friday Favourite

Verspätete Nachricht: Neues Washi Masking Tape im Lädchen - Belated news: new Washi Masking Tape in the shop

Emotions .... - Emotionen....

To-do, to-do, to-do...

Surprise! Überraschung! - Nauli's Friday Favourite

Soooo busy... bringing order into orders...